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high school

The last phase of basic education, after which the student will be able to move on to university, typically ending around the age of 18 years, and is divided into 3 levels:

Grade 10, Grade 11, and Grade 12

Upon completion of all three grades, the student obtains a high school certificate and an American High School Diploma. The importance of this level stems from the fact that it is key to the student’s self-discovery and the first step in deciding their future.


طالب من مرحلة التعليم الثانوي

High School Grades




High School Stage

Therefore, it is necessary for them to be surrounded by a supportive and helpful environment that guides them along the right path. This is what we provide at Edugates International School, with an elite group of male and female tutors boasting years of experience and highly qualified status, along with a teaching plan aligned with modern international curricula.
